Making Pressure Work for You

We all have stress and pressure and a healthy dose of it is good. Where we get in trouble is when we allow the pressure to take control of us. As an example, when you’re running late because of traffic or you just couldn’t get out of the house in time, what good does stressing over it do? Does it get you there faster? No, of course not. So what’s the point of being stress about something you can’t control? There is absolutely no point at all!

How about when you have a deadline and you realize you can’t meet the timeline? What can you do? Can you get an extension? Can you involve others to help you meet the deadline? If there are no solutions, ask for an extension. If you aren’t able to acquire an extension, do the best job you possible can and suggest you revise the project within a short period of time.

You don’t need to provide excuses, simply provide solutions and options. Everyone has an occasion to miss deadlines, but it’s how we handle the situation that will make a success of the project or drive you to unreasonable stress.

How you manage your stress is a choice you make. So choose to use stress as a motivator, not a deliberator.

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Is Social Media Eating Your Time

Do you feel like you’re busier than ever and getting less done? Well you’re not mistaken. The latest studies show that we spend more time looking at email, websites and it’s eating up our productive time to a point of distraction.
It’s bad enough that meetings are controlling our lives, but now we have to juggle what time there is left with hundreds of emails, voice mails, instant messages, Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and YouTube activity.
If you haven’t read Tim Ferris’ book The 4 Hour Work Week, stop everything you’re doing and run out to get a copy. Although Tim does not have any specifically unique ideas, he’s the first one who has mastered the idea of getting more done with less time and effort. He recommends outsourcing the tasks that are your biggest time drains.
There are so many resources to help you accomplish more of the jobs you enjoy doing and leave you more free to pursue other areas that might help you become more productive. Time management is one of the biggest concerns of all professionals. This is a great time of year to focus on how you’re spending you time and what you can do to streamline your activity.

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