Stories from Ajijic

I found a place where I truly felt the sense of community. Ajijic is about 30 minutes south of Guadalajara and the town surrounds the five mile long Lake Chapala. It is one of the most beautiful, clean and serene communities I have ever seen.

National Geographic said it is the second best climate in the world. The average temperature is 72-78 degrees all hear around. It is more green than any place I have ever been and they said it was the dry season. They say that in May through July it rains nearly every day, just long enough to make things more green.

Our life adventures provide us fodder for speaking. Our experiences enrich our lives and can become unique insights for our future presentations.

Ajijic gave me many stories to add to my multitude of stories. I listened to the man from Canada who gave his deceased gardner’s daughter the funds to build a house so she would have a place to live when her father passed away and they made her and her son leave the home she’d been living in with her father. I thought how amazing it is to have met someone so generous.

I watched people in the outdoor market sell their wares and smiled at the jovial atmosphere. They truly enjoy their life. It’s a calm, peaceful and sincere lifestyle they live. What a difference from the hectic lifestyle we live in the Bay Area.

There are stories all around us just waiting to be discovered.