Sponsors Make Up the Difference

It seems like everywhere you turn people are still talking about the economy. You’ve seen the cutbacks on all your events. What used to be standard fare is now considered unnecessary and frivolous. Yet, it’s the extra activities, including golf that makes the event more successful. When your attendees bond and have a more enjoyable time. Which gives you rave reviews.

Instead of cutting out the cherished fun times, why not look at getting a little creative? Who might want to have access to your attendees? Would a corporate sponsor enjoy treating the group to golf, tennis and evening entertainment? Of course they would.

So now you need to find the appropriate sponsor. Where do you think you’d begin? You can look at trade magazines, television spots and even major sponsorship events for sponsors. Once a year you can attend a major sponsor event in Chicago. You can even meet the individual decision makers at the expo. It doesn’t take very many contacts to make it worthwhile.

When you need to get creative, you’ll find there are many resources available for you to always have the best events you can imagine.

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Making Pressure Work for You

We all have stress and pressure and a healthy dose of it is good. Where we get in trouble is when we allow the pressure to take control of us. As an example, when you’re running late because of traffic or you just couldn’t get out of the house in time, what good does stressing over it do? Does it get you there faster? No, of course not. So what’s the point of being stress about something you can’t control? There is absolutely no point at all!

How about when you have a deadline and you realize you can’t meet the timeline? What can you do? Can you get an extension? Can you involve others to help you meet the deadline? If there are no solutions, ask for an extension. If you aren’t able to acquire an extension, do the best job you possible can and suggest you revise the project within a short period of time.

You don’t need to provide excuses, simply provide solutions and options. Everyone has an occasion to miss deadlines, but it’s how we handle the situation that will make a success of the project or drive you to unreasonable stress.

How you manage your stress is a choice you make. So choose to use stress as a motivator, not a deliberator.

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