Customizing Programs

What can your speaker do to create an impactful presentation? How about offering them the names of at least six of the attendees for them to interview? It will be one of the best methods for your presenter to create the best possible speech. You might suggest a few of your decision makers who will have a better insight as to what they want the attendees to hear.

Years ago I heard a very well paid professional speaker who showed up at a keynote presentation and began delivering his canned presentation and after he was done, the event organizer told him they had announced the previous week they had laid off twenty-five percent of the workforce. His presentation was all about how positive their work environment was and how lucky everyone was to be working at the company.

In truth, it was the event planners responsibility to have approached the speaker and inform him there had been a drastic change in the corporate environment. But the real responsibility was the speaker’s.

And to be fair to the speaker, who could possibly imagine a company would have a corporate event when they had just laid of a quarter of their workforce. One of the things I suggest all the event planners do even as close as the day before the event is to contact the speaker and make sure there is an update in case they need to change their presentation. It will save everyone from going through embarrassing situations.

Time Management

Everyone would love to end up with more time on Fridays than things to do, but in our world, it’s not likely to happen. So what’s there to do?

Time management is one of the most often requested presentations among all audiences. There are several techniques that will help you keep yourself organized and manage your time well enough to minimize the stress you might endure.

After all, the stress solves absolutely nothing. But it will sure enough slow you down, and cause all kinds of physical damage and keep you from having a restful night’s sleep. So if you’d like to stay one step ahead of the inevitable demand on your time.

First, it’s important to keep your list of To Do’s in an organized format. I like to use an Excel spreadsheet with timelines, names, phone numbers, email and mail addresses all in one file to make it easier to have all pertinent information in one place.

I typically have a second person run through my schedule and details to run through the file and double check my details. It helps to have a second opinion.

One of the biggest challenges in time management is remembering that we all have limits and we can only do the best we can do. Make allowances for things to go wrong and breathe a sign of relief when they don’t.

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