Creating Long Term Results from Your Events

It’s not likely that any audience will be drastically changed in one hour, one day or from any one presentation will change your audience long-term. But how can you ensure that your audience will be impacted from the program you have worked so hard to produce?

One of the biggest responses from audiences when asked what would make events more memorable and giving the ability to make positive changes they learned at an event was to take home the books, CD’s, DVD’s, Software, workbooks and adding coaching programs to their routine.

The challenge is that most event planners focus intently on creating the perfect event, but rarely do they have the opportunity to consider the long term effect they might have if they were only to consider what might make their program have a last effect.

Often speakers will dig deep to offer a discount on their products to make them available for the entire audience. This is one of the most often used practices. It is also possible to print custom orders of products so your audience will acknowledge your thoughtfulness.

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Time and Time Again

Everyone would love to end up with more time on Fridays than things to do, but in our world, it’s not likely to happen. So what’s there to do?
Time management is one of the most often requested presentations among all audiences. There are several techniques that will help you keep yourself organized and manage your time well enough to minimize the stress you might endure.
After all, the stress solves absolutely nothing. But it will sure enough slow you down, and cause all kinds of physical damage and keep you from having a restful night’s sleep. So if you’d like to stay one step ahead of the inevitable demand on your time.
First, it’s important to keep your list of To Do’s in an organized format. I like to use an Excel spreadsheet with timelines, names, phone numbers, email and mail addresses all in one file to make it easier to have all pertinent information in one place.
I typically have a second person run through my schedule and details to run through the file and double check my details. It helps to have a second opinion.
One of the biggest challenges in time management is remembering that we all have limits and we can only do the best we can do. Make allowances for things to go wrong and breathe a sign of relief when they don’t.

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